原文地址:http://www.androiddesign.tips (推荐阅读原文)

单位转换工具(Unit calculator)

Device display guidelines

图标调整(Icon sizing)

Iconography design guidelines

导航栏调整(Action / navigation bar sizing)

Action bar design guidelines

导航栏样式(Navigation styles)

Google I/O 2013 talk on navigation patterns

九宫格图片制作工具(9-patch images)

Android quick 9-patch creator tool

设备尺寸查询(Device Dimensions)


资源的命名(Asset naming conventions)

For your and your teams’s sanity, stick to a naming convention when naming your assets, based on what they represent. Petr Nohejl suggests the following:


Assets names should be prefixed with the type of asset. If the asset is a 9-patch png file identify this by suffixing it with “.9”.


Icon assets should be prefixed with the type of icon that they are.


Assets that are selectable, such as buttons or tabs should be suffixed with the state that the the asset is in.


We highly recommend you go and read Google’s own Android guidelines which do a more thorough and in-depth job of explaining all the nuances of the platform. Read it. Learn it. Create.